Name: Duobram Yalrand Rezilmep-Bogdancharbuh.
Also Known As: King Loudmouth [Yok term of endearment], King Cunt [human nickname], the Lesser Twat [eldest son’s nickname], Lunch [Jejnir nickname].
Race: Yoktojan/Yok [abbr.]/Space-tapir [human perjorative].
Age: 36 Yok Years/352 Earth Years.
Parents: Bogdanchar [father], Rezil [Mother].
Siblings: ~400 [precise number unknown due to non-proximal habitation].
Siblings of Note: Rakibara [allegedly the Queen of Entropy, hasn’t been seen for around 200 years], Plum [High Priest of the Bringers of Blood (Beamline Chapter)], Tzirilbram [deceased, Yok defector to the Jejnir].
Main Occupation: King.
Secondary Occupation(s): Rapper and all-round egomaniac.
Musical Preferences: Only listens to his own music, forces his children to listen with him, constantly pauses it, rewinds and points out his favourite bits saying, Did you hear that bit though? How good was that? Wait till you hear this!
Favourite Food: Sbrimhah, Pulrah and Zchmakzchmah [despises anything other Yok cuisine].
Allegiances/Affiliations: Yoktojo through and through.
Antagonisms: Jejnir [primary], anyone else who isn’t Yok [secondary, though to a far lesser degree].
Additional Information: coddled to the point of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. His parents forced their human slaves to work tirelessly at the stove producing artery-choking volumes of Sbrimhah, Pulrah and Zchmakzchmah, which the hapless humans then had to hand-feed to the prince-regent, losing hands, arms and lives whilst feeding the gluttonous inheritor. Unable to handle competition he banned any music that wasn’t his from the Yok sections of the Beamline and the heads of his people are filled with their king’s messages of ceaseless industry and blatant racism. After the former-king Bogdanchar ate Rezil, his first wife, Duobram was forced to segregate his father to an unknown location before falling into a depression, his mood only lifting when his sycophantic children [not Hulgrim] come and tell him their favourite bits of his songs, e.g. Katzmus, Father, in ‘Omm Saj Klang’ I love the bit where you say ‘Hulgrim’s sleeping/ Hulgrim’s sleeping/ faeces sliding out his butt/ he rolls and tosses/ thrashes and turns/ but he doesn’t wake/ and it gets on his face’.
Lennon, CEO of Betelgeuse Corp.’s Thoughts ON “DUOBRAM”:
“The gibberish continues! Not only is there zchmakzchmah, whatever the fuck that is, but now there’s sbrimhah AND pulrah. The quality of drawing also hasn’t improved, in fact I’d say it’s decreased. I have to say, though, I like the idea of using music as propaganda and shutting other forms of it out so a good clear message can be gained by the masses. Does anyone do that?”
“That’s what mainstream corporate music is, Lennon, anyway... Duobram followed quite quickly after Hulgrim in terms of creation. I wanted to know what a Yoktojo looked like from the front and what their mouths looked like under their trunks. I can’t deny I was still practicing with shading, but I think I got the body-plan pretty spot on.”